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 You are welcome here. 


Win the Lost
and Grow the Found.

  Get Connected.  

We are here to serve you, and would love to help you get connectd​

Sundays at Rock Church

We have a family service every Sunday including Worship, Communion and Sermon with a kids service running separately during our main service as well as a parents room for those with toddlers.

Kids Church

Our heart for the children in our ministry is to see them confident in who they are with God. 


We simply plant seeds of truth based on the foundation of God's word, prayer and worship.


Our youth ministry is focused on growing youth in their faith.

We want to help them follow Him, discover their purpose, develop authentic relationships and encourage them to make a difference in their sphere of influence

Care Groups

Care Groups are about coming together to GROW in the knowledge of God. and to support each other in our daily walk.  We have created a safe environment where we can respectfully share our views and ideas

  Rock Church is committed to acknowledging Jesus in His rightful place: Lord and head of the Church, our congregation, and our cities.

Find a location

Phone: (03) 5523 5217

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Rock Church is a member of
Australian Christian Churches

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